3Bricks is an established renowned company in interior renovation and design serving both commercial and residential projects. The brand identity of 3Bricks seeks to blend professionalism with creativity, as the slogan we provided is “From Imagination to Creation.” The 3Bricks logo is composed of the letters of the 3Bricks’s name, services and morphs them into the building shape. The 3Bricks logo contains a minimal, urban, mature and professional appearance to their brand identity.

3Bricks Logo

3Bricks Logo Rationale

3Bricks Logo Alternative

3Bricks Logo Animation

3Bricks Logo Colour

3Bricks Logo Typography

3Bricks BusinessCard

3Bricks BusinessCard Back

3Bricks Stationery 2

3Bricks Stationery 1

3Bricks Building Sign

3Bricks Wall

3Bricks Construction Helmet

3Bricks Cardboard Tube

3Bricks Tshirt

3Bricks Bunting


3Bricks Company Profile

3Bricks Company Profile

3Bricks Company Profile

3Bricks Company Profile Layout

3Bricks Company Profile Layout
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